Two months went like that. I didn’t see her much those days. I wished I didn’t. The year of 2013 ended and 2014 was born. If the conditions were same, we could celebrate our first anniversary of being together inside the Fluid Mechanics lab. But they were not. She was promoted by one year and two semesters and I was demoted from a teacher to a student. That situation along with the recent happenings  didn’t allow me to celebrate it. Yet I wanted to see her once again. Because  I couldn’t forget what she did to me.

I went to meet their tutor and requested him to give me a chance of going to their class as part of teaching assistance. He said he would look in to it. There was a subject in their sixth semester I used to handle while I was teacher. I almost got consent of both the tutor and the teacher who handled it. I waited for the day I meet her again.

But it didn’t happen. The next day I got that partial consent, I told her friends that I’m coming to meet her. They told that to her, and she to the same tutor of their. Instead of handing the matter over to her boyfriend, that time she gave it to her teacher whom we both respected. From then the love story turned its course and he as mediator, heard me and she and arrived at the conclusion that I don’t go to her again though she shouldn’t have done that.

From the next day onwards, we became strangers. I didn’t know her she didn’t know me. Yet we met frequently. I remember there was a week we met on everyday. Meeting someone by chance is not easy in that big campus. Yet we met at different places. From in front of the Principals room to the restaurants outside the campus. She was with her friends and I with mine. Nobody laughed. No one made any sound or gestures. She had got into a relationship and the love story was ended for them.

Once it was with a professor who knew both of us, I was when I saw her. He, in his casual manner asked me whether I loved her. I said no. Then he said that’s better for me. Marrying a girl with the attitude of her will benefit me in only one way only. I could go out with her and silently tell the world “look at this beauty. Be envy of me”. No other use I could get out of her. The same man on other day told me when I didn’t answer to his question that If you want to marry her, just give me a word. I shall discuss the matter with her mother.

He quite often asked me that question. I requested him not to ask that question again. I knew nothing except the fact that I had lost the relationship with her as teacher which was really beautiful. I remember her last words she said to me. “I had respect for you till now. But not anymore”. She said this while I said something similar to her.